Determining content through insights
Our research identified three key information types to help users better understand a fitness center.
Interview data point
“Missed a workout window due to inaccurate building hours.”
Solution 1
Make building hours more easily visible
Interview data point
“Friends report back to them from the gym to show how crowded it is.”
Solution 2
Add capacity reminders
Interview data point
“Experienced frustration when...finding the gym misreported certain amenities.”
Solution 3
Add accessibility and amenity information for up-to-date details
Development insight
With our engineers, we discovered an API that provided all the necessary data. Initially, we considered a SWOT analysis to prioritize features, but with our available bandwidth and ease of implementation, we decided to feature all this data to some extent.
How do we represent utility features on a page?
Building on these insights and development capabilities, we began exploring visual approaches to ensure seamless integration of these features into the app.
At this point, I also began conducting user testing with current Uplift users.